Berco Undercarriage Idler CR3660

- Parts Category : Undercarriage Parts
- Parts Manufacturer : Berco
- Equipment Brand : Caterpillar,John Deere,Komatsu,Berco
- Equipment Type : Dozer
- Equipment Model : D7H(S) VE,235/235B/235C
- Application : Road,Railways,Bridges,Mining,Airports Constructions
- Minimum Quantity : 5
Berco Undercarriage Idler CR3660 is manufactured using the latest automated design and manufacturing processes. Produced with the select quality steel alloys, and properly heat treated to provide the exceptional field performance in extreme working environments. These proven idlers utilize the latest seal & Bearing designs and provide exceptional reliability. Produced to some of the most stringent specifications in the industry, this idlers gives excellent service in the toughest operating conditions.
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